Partnership Work Is Popping!

New Partners, Wide Reach During Virtual Learning

Last fall, WINGS partnered with Discovery Education - the global leader in standards-based digital content for classrooms worldwide - to help us create a social emotional learning program centered on our evidence-based afterschool curriculum. Generously sponsored by the Allstate Foundation, this program - Soar with Wings - provides FREE standards-aligned learning activities for K-5 educators to use in the classroom, during out-of-school programming, and at home. 

Once virtual learning began in March, we saw views, clicks, and downloads on SKYROCKET.  To date, we have reached 2.2 million kids through this program - 700,000 of these kids were reached during the spring quarantine period. More than 76,000 educators have accessed our resources, too! 

For us feelers, it feels AMAZING to be a resource for students and teachers during a difficult, unprecedented time. And, we're excited to be releasing more content on soon!

New Partners in SEL

As we continue to spread our wings, working together with stellar organizations and institutions makes this far-reach possible.

Texas Education Agency

Operating as the state's Department of Education, the Texas Education Agency has featured WINGS and our Soar with Wings program as a "Best Practice Resource for Schools.
"Programs listed help students develop the skills necessary to support student academic success. Skill-building lessons included in these programs help students gain the ability to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
To view this resource, click here

panorama education

Schools and districts that partner with Panorama Education - an organization that helps educators act on data to improve student outcomes in social emotional learning, school climate, family engagement, and more - now have access to a variety of our activities and resources. Featured in Panorama's Playbook, teachers, counselors, and school leaders are now connected to easy-to-implement resources, activities, and research from Wings for Kids.
To learn more, click here

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