Digital Platform

Everything you need to help students learn, grow, and soar.

The Wings for Kids digital platform offers everything you need to get started or continue whole-child development practices. This extensive library is filled with age-appropriate, simple-to-use resources and tools for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to strengthen their skills.

Whether you are looking for easy, flexible, grab-and-go activities or a more structured curriculum, WINGS' digital platform has hundreds of resources to help you infuse SEL into your day.

A Look Inside

Activities and Games

With full access to the digital platform, you’ll have the opportunity to explore over one hundred engaging games and activities that make learning character skills fun for everyone. 

Our games and activities have been specifically developed to help children manage emotions, perspective-take, learn good choices, demonstrate empathic concern, and exhibit the positive behaviors associated with emotional intelligence.  

Digital Platform page on a laptop screen
fanned out pages of Wings lesson plans

Lesson Plans

Our time-tested curriculum helps you incorporate SEL into your busy day using a more structured approach. 

Our Lesson Plans:

  • Have been used for over ten years in high-quality, evidence-based programs that have served thousands of children 
  • Are categorized by grade levels and focus on one of the five core competencies at a time (Example: Grade 2-3, Competency: Self-Awareness)
  • Provide explicit instruction of the ten lessons embedded in our common language, Words to Live By
  • Are kid-tested and adult-approved

Grab-and-Go Resources

From our video galleries to hundreds of quick tips and techniques for teaching, we offer a variety of bite-sized methods to help those using a "DIY" approach to implementation. Explore relevant content on topics such as: 

  • Adult skills and modeling
  • Equity and cultural competence
  • Behavior management
  • Conversation starters
  • Rituals and routines
  • Using a common language
Female looks at her laptop with Digital Platform on the screen


Sign up for a FREE account

  • A sampling of resources from our extensive library
  • 15 games and activities from our activity library
  • 5 lesson plans 
  • A video gallery to help guide educators
  • A curated collection of resources to help you get started

Upgrade to PREMIUM

  • Unlimited access to our extensive library of resources 
  • 150+ games and activities
  • Dozens of easy-to-use lesson plans
  • Informative videos created to help guide educators
  • Collections of curated resources to help you get started—whether you need grab-and-go materials or a comprehensive curriculum