Drop the ‘After,’ ‘Expanded’ or ‘Extended.’ We’re Educators.

Wings for Kids' Chief Advancement Officer ​Writes Op-Ed for National Afterschool Association

Originally posted by the National Afterschool Association's Executive Extra
April 16, 2018

By: Julia Rugg

When I first started at WINGS eight years ago, I spent the first few months at each of our afterschool programs in Charleston, South Carolina. I shadowed our part-time staff (college students) who mentor students and spent personal time with groups of kids for hours each day. I sat with the kids during snack, through homework center and as a nest during our community time. The students wanted to braid my hair, know if I was married and if I had any children. Then I'd turn the spotlight back on them, asking about their lives, to share their favorite movies, what they're afraid of and if they'd ever been to the beach.

We connected.

My story of connectedness is not unique. I know all afterschool professionals could share countless stories of building relationships with students—because that's part of the magic we make. We have the incredible opportunity and freedom to see, hear and understand kids on their level. And because of this, we need to be the ones who set the agenda of what matters for kids.

Yes, we operate "after" school, "out" of school, provide "extended" and "expanded" learning, which gives the impression that we are secondary to the primary: school. But we are not.

For decades, afterschool programs have been rooted in supervision, oversight and safety between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. 

All eyes on Julia Rugg, our Chief Strategy Officer, at WINGS' Impact & Research conversation at the Aspen Insititute. September 2017.

All eyes on Julia Rugg, our Chief Advancement Officer, at WINGS' Impact & Research conversation at the Aspen Institute. September 2017. 

Today, we continue to do this—and so much more. We seek measurable outcomes. We link research to practice. We grow the whole child, mentor kids to become 21st century leaders, and support both youth development and workforce development.

We cannot limit ourselves or our impact solely to the afterschool hours. In fact, we need to take the lead and encourage other educators to learn from us.

Not being a part of the rigid, stifling school day is to our advantage. We've had the space to try and test high-quality programming, while those in-school are still finding the right pathway. The schools that have succeeded are doing so because they incorporate the practices and principals of quality youth development. Whether it's project-based learning, personalized learning or blended learning—afterschool programs embraced these teaching methods before they had names. Our work has a foundation of support and engagement layered with academics.

Why follow others? Let's set the course for youth development and define what kids need to grow. We're not "AFTER" anything, "EXPANDED" anything or "EXTENDED" anything.

We're educators in youth development—say it loud and proud.

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