How We're Connecting with Kids, Staff and Supporters

We’re six-weeks into our “new normal” and what a rollercoaster of emotions! We’ve been experiencing a full-range of highs, lows, and everything in between. This complicated, uncertain time means that we have to lean hard on social-emotional skills like stress-management, cooperation, self-confidence, problem-solving, and empathy. And for kids, we're trying to create as much consistency and normalcy as possible. 

Here's how WINGS is soldiering-on, supporting our staff, reaching our kids, and connecting with our fans & followers:

In this time of financial uncertainty, we've worked hard to make sure our staff of 140 people are able to keep working and serving our kids

All WINGS Leaders—our college-aged mentors—transitioned to working virtually writing lessons, creating new games and activities, and actively recruiting for the 20-21 school year.


One week after schools closed, wings program teams rolled-out virtual sessions for our kids
  • Each program hosts virtual Community Unity on Mondays & Fridays - a time to connect, recite our Words to Live By, play games, and check-in.
  • Each week, we send parents social emotional learning activity kits for the week ahead.
  • On Thursdays, we offer WINGS-wide Choice Time—a virtual guided activity like yoga, dance, art, etc.
  • For students who need ongoing academic support, parents can sign-up for one-on-one tutoring


free SEL resources for families & virtual classrooms

Check out our free WINGS activities to use at home or in a virtual classroom, organized by skill AND grade level: books to read, dinner discussions, and hands-on activities.


Meet new friends: virtual field trip & activity

Take a virtual field trip and meet new friends! From their perspective and experience,
WINGS kids share how they're growing social emotional skills. Go now!